Wilmot Wrestlers Take Down Union Grove

The Wilmot wrestling team traveled to Union Grove and beat the Broncos 42-31 on Thursday night. The teams exchanged pin victories in the first nine (of 14 total) matches. Panther coach John Watson felt that Andrew Tucknott’s match at heavyweight is what changed the outcome of the dual meet., “It came down to our heavyweight. He lost to the Union Grove kid before. So it was big for him to get us that pin there.”

The Panthers beat the Broncos 42-31.
Wilmot won the dual meet 42-31 on Thursday night.
Wilmot beat UnionGrove 42-31 on Thursday night.
Benson DuChemin scores back-points in his match at 120 pounds.
Andrew Tucknott wins by fall.
Wilmot’s Larz Gough executes a lethal spladle vs Union Grove. Gough won the match by fall.